Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 3: 6th Grade KSS Campus and Breckenridge Field Exploration!

 Exploring around the campus during flex time.

 Angelina, Elexus, William, David, and Melisa: all smiles as they learned about Gray Wolves during the day hike!

 Mountain Man Ethan makes fire.

 Elexus, Vianey, Devanne, and Angelina enjoy grande snowcones! Yum! This one is for you LUZ! :)

 Breckenridge, CO provides stunning vistas, cool ski trails, and endless opportunities for learning.

 Miracle and Devanne giggling through life during an instruction break.

Back at Keystone Science School campus, we viewed Jupiter through the huge telescope on the left, and met for instruction in the yurt.  What a place!

Day 3: 8th Grade

Professor Nicholas teaching us about wolves.

 Leysha trailblazing the Arapahoe National Forest.

Extreme hide-and-go-seek!

 Lunch break by a frozen lake.

Learning conservation Dr. Seuss-style: The Lorax.

 Karla and Alyssa ask important questions regarding wolf ecology.

8th graders worked together as a wolf pack would.

Esbeydi dominating during the trait game, as the opposing team recesses to her glory.

Alyssa enjoying the mountain sun.

 Marco stumbled upon the remains of a porcupine feast, yikes!

Mock town hall meeting from our instructors regarding the upcoming wolf reintroduction in Colorado.

MTV Cabin Crib: Colorado Edition

MTV Cabin Cribs
Join us on a tour of our crib for the weekend. Brought to you by Nicholas and Esbeydi.
Sorry it's shaky!!!